Saturday, August 29, 2015

Week 1 Reflection

Prior Knowledge

What do I already know about the use of media for learning and teaching?  I know that media is an excellent addition, and in some cases, even substitution, for more traditional lecture or classroom forms of instruction.  Just as every person has their own unique learning styles and preferences for learning, so too does a topic of instruction need to be presented in varied ways to increase understanding.  Media tools for teaching can include audio and video, online message boards, eLearning modules, websites, and many other tools.

Experiences Using Media to Teach and Learn

As students, I believe most of us have experienced watching movies in class to better understand material the teacher was discussing in sessions before.  In addition to this, I've used mp4 (audio) files to listen to material on my drive to work, I've visited websites to research topics I was studying, and I've participated in online classes that involved listening to online lectures and discussing complex ideas.

As an instructional designer at a financial services firm, I've been lucky enough to have access to many tools that have helped me use media in teaching.  I've held and facilitated online webinars which included interactive content, such as allowing the participants to move their cursors or select items on the screen, as well as contribute to conversation via the chat function or the phone lines.  I've created learning manuals with links to websites and videos, and have even embedded videos into the PDF files.  I've also created several eLearning modules, and over the years I've become more experienced and added greater complexity to my offerings.  

I have found, through both my time as a learner and as a teacher, that using media in learning is extremely effective at providing choice and variety to learners.  In some cases, the media allows vital hands-on, context-heavy experiences that students are not able to obtain through traditional classrooms.  Media also allows students to access instruction in places other than a physical classroom.  One of the reasons I'm so excited about my Learning Technology degree path, and this Multimedia in Technology class in particular, is because I know that the skills I learn will help me to reach more of my learners and make my training more interactive and fun.  I'm very excited to see what new uses of media and technology I will learn!

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